Cafe W

Ships are safe in the harbor...but that is not what ships are made for.


Don't let the daisy's fool ya! I am not running for office, nor do I teach a Sunday school class. We started this blog to document our family's adoption journey...a journey that is by no means filled with cotton candy and unicorns. It is fueled 100% by love, but I am learning that it is very HARD...every day...and this blog is my therapy I I have time to go to a real shrink! If your tender ears are offended by my occasional rant or a few Bible curse words here and there...this probably isn't the blog for you.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Now it is really real! We are going to China!

Yesterday we got out Travel Approval from China and this morning we got confirmation of our Consulate Appointment date.  I didn't get teh earlier one that I reqiested...apparently everyone is gunning for those early appt dates so the earliest one I could get was 10/25...that is the last appt we have in China.  It is the part where we swear to love our child and they give us her Visa - then we head home!

So it looks like we will be leaving Atlanta on 10/12..yes that is my sons 2nd we are going to "fake it" a few days earlyier for him. 

We will officially have Luci on Monday 10/17 and I will be blogging from China and post pics...of course I have to figure out how to do that between now and then and how to skype and upload pics from a camera to an ipad, all kinds of technical crap that I really have no interest in polluting my brain with but apparently they put you in jail if you go to China and don't blog!

Actually I am the one that wakes up in the middle of the night and reads all the blogposts from people over in China.  There is no way I could have gotten through this process without all the info I learn from BTDT parents and their blogs.  I will pay it forward!

Oh - and those of you who know me...or have read enough of my blog to "know" are going to love this!

The term "Waiting " and Tara do not go well together..and this whole record long wait for TA has about done me in physically and mentally.  Well now that I have TA and CA my agency contact tells me to email their travel person to get the ball going...and then she said...."now let me prepare you"

OH SERIOUSLY - what else do I possibly need to be prepared for...

Agency: Umm...Well, your personalities might clash a little.

ME: Why would you say that? Is she bitchy....cause that isn't a problem for me- as we all know.

Agency: calmer

Me: translate please...

Agency: she can be slow

Me: OK - do I neet to take over this process before I even bother to fool with your person.  Anyone that is slow and deals with adoptive parents needs to re-evaluate their career choice.  Seriously - do I just need to call a few of the known "go to" people and get this done myself? 

I don't want to take on this task but I I did email their person at 1:30 and it is now 2:50 and I have heard nothing...I can tell already that this is going to be an exercize in personal restraint on my part...or I am just going to wig out.

What part of this process is going to run smoothly and easily?? Seriously!

OK - but all in all - good day - we have a date - that what we have been working towards for a solid year! 

Stay tuned for more!



  1. We'll be following your journey - we were in Wuhan last November. Good luck and we'll be praying for you! Can't wait to see another Wuahn baby in their parents' arms!!!

  2. Just a heads up... Blogspot was blocked a lot while I was in China. The government likes to block blogging sites and social networking sites randomly... So you might not be able to access your blog from there. If you know someone who's in China now or just got back, you might want to get in touch with them to figure out which sites are accessible over there. Congrats on getting to go pick your daughter up soon! Hope it all goes well! :)
    -Annie (Maria's friend)

  3. Btw - make sure you try some dumplings (jiaozi) while you're in Wuhan... they're delicious! :)

  4. get go trusted to use for the internet while you're gone..let them know that you are going to china..we also let our credit card/banks know that we were traveling so that are cc would not be flagged as some unusual spending! LOL

    Sorry you were assigned a slow poke travel are right...slow people do not belong in the adoption business.

    You are going to WUHAN...maybe you will get our guide and driver..her name was Christine...Awesome guide! Get ready for the "Smell" Wuhan smells like old grease...just keepin' it real! BUT a lot of beautiful sights... The Yangtze River, the yellow crane tower...awesome, my favorite wuhan sight and East Lake!

    McDonalds and Pizza Hut are just around the corner from the Best Western if you are staying there and need a little "American Food"...

    If you are traveling on Korean Air...they make parents with children come to the front of the LINE...I liked that little perk!

    We rode the bullet train from wuhan to Guangzhou it was awesome. IF you can do it! JUST don't pack too much luggage like we did...cause you are in charge of it on the train. LOL

    Blessings on your travels.

  5. Yay for you all!!! Can't wait to follow you all to China for precious LuciQ!!! Just read her story and it is precious on so many levels!!! Thank you for sharing and loved your convo with God~ SO true!!! So glad we have connected once again and hope to meet once we are both home with our miracles!!! XO

  6. OH MY, life takes over and I don't spend time reading blogs and here you have TA and waiting travel confirmation!!! CONGRATS!!! What a joyous post to read!!!! Can't wait to see little Luci Q in your arms!!!!

    Here's praying for the travel lady to get back with you soon!

    PS: Here's an early shout-out for Mac's birthday!!

    Sharee Moore
