Cafe W

Ships are safe in the harbor...but that is not what ships are made for.


Don't let the daisy's fool ya! I am not running for office, nor do I teach a Sunday school class. We started this blog to document our family's adoption journey...a journey that is by no means filled with cotton candy and unicorns. It is fueled 100% by love, but I am learning that it is very HARD...every day...and this blog is my therapy I I have time to go to a real shrink! If your tender ears are offended by my occasional rant or a few Bible curse words here and there...this probably isn't the blog for you.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Mental Constipation...

Yep! That is the official diagnosis. I can't take credit for it...but it is definitely accurate! My boss JC and his wife just had kiddo #3 last week and there was definitely some waiting...and waiting...and waiting...

He explained today that when you are in that waiting part you get mental constipation, it is like your brain gets stuck focused on that one thing and you can't divert your attention to anything else. YES!!! That is exactly how I feel!

The wait for travel approval at this point feels like trying to walk through wet cement. My husband likened it to being on "pause" but everything around you is on "play". You can see everything moving and life going on as normal and you are there frozen.

So no...we didn't get TA today...a butt-load of other people did...hell they seem to be passing out TA's in McDonalds these days...except to me.

So I sat in my office today and stuffed my face with donuts while staring at the cute little Asian doll that arrived on my desk. It is for Luci's birthday, whenever we actually get to celebrate it. She is turning 4 Sunday so Ann is putting together a birthday cake and care package for her.

And I am bummed...but in the grand scheme of life...this is minor...I will live, but until then I might be a bit bitchy!

I will post again soon, to either let you know which mental ward I am checking into or when my flight is leaving.

Until then, say prayers for my two favorite angels...Rachel and Joshua. Two little ones that just got home from China and God has to work his magic on their little hearts. Joshua and his mom are in the hospital now and Rachel and her mom are on the way and will be in the room next door in the same hospital.

So do this...stop what you are doing and say a prayer for them ...if you didn't check your child into the hospital today then take a minute to thank God above that it isn't your turn.

Pray your heart out sincerely for these little angels and their families that made the decision to stand with these children and love them through the path they are about to go down, they will come out on the other side but getting there will be tough. They need all of our prayers.

If you would like to follow their journeys and encourage them along the way check out their blogs...and Joshua's mom is hysterical...even during the hard will love reading their stories.



No, I am not advanced enough to put a fancy link in the blog, just copy the link into the address bar.

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