Cafe W

Ships are safe in the harbor...but that is not what ships are made for.


Don't let the daisy's fool ya! I am not running for office, nor do I teach a Sunday school class. We started this blog to document our family's adoption journey...a journey that is by no means filled with cotton candy and unicorns. It is fueled 100% by love, but I am learning that it is very HARD...every day...and this blog is my therapy I I have time to go to a real shrink! If your tender ears are offended by my occasional rant or a few Bible curse words here and there...this probably isn't the blog for you.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Sugar Honey Ice Tea!!!!! Seriously!!!

(Yeah - I stole that litle one from Nicole at Bakers Sweets - and it's coming in handy these days!)

See this chart below - it has over two hundred people on it, gradually working their way up as their approvals for each next step come in- and see who is at #1...yeah that is me - FigNewton...So where is my freakin TA!!!
Several people that have 8/30 Art 5 dates (one week later than me!) got their Travel approval last Friday.  What is up with that???  The people under me are getting pinked - I am still sitting there all white!

This part of the wait is about to kill me!  Daily torture! 
I have eaten so many cheese danishes and honey buns - the vending machine is almost empty!  My shoulders and neck are pretty much concrete blocks!

The nice side effect of this holding pattern is that my house is super clean and about 90% de cluttered. 

Truth be told - I ahve a fantasy of living in a hotel...those Hilton girls have no idea how good they have it!
I feel so good when I am staying in a hotel room - everything you need, nothing extra, everything is clean and the bedding is heavenly!  That is my happy place.

I know I can never actually create that in a house where actual people and kids and dogs...and a man happen to reside...but this adoption nesting fit I have been in the last 2 weeks has gotten me dangerously close to my little hotel oasis.

However I know it will be short lived - about 2 minutes after I get on the plane for China and leave my husband and son behind...

Seriously - can you imagine what is going to happen to the house while I am gone - It kind of makes me laugh - cause I know it will be bad! Maybe I shoudl remove all the bedding (substitute sleeping bags), buy a huge stock of paper plates, plastic cups and utensils...what else can I do to prevent the destruction??! Maybe make my husband and son stay in a hotel while I am gone - win/win right!

Luckily my best friend Kristi has already said she would make sure the house is cleaned before we return with Luci...don't want to traumatize the poor thing by arriving home mayhem and destruction.

Oh yeah- Ann in China got the book I sent and added the items below and delivered them to Luci this week. 

And...since the timing of our travel kinda sucks I will be getting together a birthday package for Luci since I won't be there with her. 

So - I will let everyone know when our TA arrives...until then I will be emptying our office vending machine of all the pastries!



  1. Tara, I feel your pain too because I'm anxious to see beautiful Luci Q in your arms!!!! Was so hoping for that TA to be here by now!!!

    Continued prayers to see your name in PINK!


  2. Praying, Tara! Can't wait to follow your blog while you are in China and to see Gotcha day photos!! -Brooke :)
