Cafe W

Ships are safe in the harbor...but that is not what ships are made for.


Don't let the daisy's fool ya! I am not running for office, nor do I teach a Sunday school class. We started this blog to document our family's adoption journey...a journey that is by no means filled with cotton candy and unicorns. It is fueled 100% by love, but I am learning that it is very HARD...every day...and this blog is my therapy I I have time to go to a real shrink! If your tender ears are offended by my occasional rant or a few Bible curse words here and there...this probably isn't the blog for you.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Luci's Artwork...and DTC for us!

Well as of April 18th we are DTC!!! DOSSIER TO CHINA....everything is over is in their hands all signed, sealed and delivered. 

So what does that means we are technically done with everything on our side over here and now China has to start their "processing".  Hopefully it will go quickly, but realistically if you take your DTC date and add 4 months...that is when you can expect your letter from China telling you that you are all cool to come on over.  Then you can travel any time after that...which means we are now looking at a September pick-up date for Luci-Q.  I was predicting August but secretly hoping for July...missed on both counts...unless someone over there in China decides to speed up the process...we are just going to have to sit here and wait patiently.

Luci's Artwork:  So, when I sent the cake to Luci last Month I also sent over a postage paid envelope addressed to the care package service.  Now, I never expected to actually get anything back...I have never heard of this working for anyone but hey - apparently it was our lucky day.  We got an email from the care package service :

Tara, Today I received the envelope that your sent in the order. There are two pictures that Luci colored. I have attached a picture of it. I will mail the original ones to you as soon as i can. On the back of a picture, it says that both pictures were colored by Wu Guo Qing on her own! She did a great job!

So of course I immediately sent the email to my mom...who I am sure got a good giggle before she brought to my attention that it is very unlikely that Luci actually did the coloring.

Aren't granparents supposed to blow smoke up your skirt at all times and say "wow...Luci at 3.5 years old is obviously an artistic genius - call Juliard NOW!!"

Ok, so I reviewed the pictures again...fine -whatever,  Grandma Buzzkill!

So for a moment I enjoyed the fact that our little Luci-Q was brilliantly talented for only 3.5..but yeah..if you look at the squiggles drawn on the pictures...Tthose are most likely her handywork...oh well...I am still so thrilled to get these and they are going up on the wall!


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