Cafe W

Ships are safe in the harbor...but that is not what ships are made for.


Don't let the daisy's fool ya! I am not running for office, nor do I teach a Sunday school class. We started this blog to document our family's adoption journey...a journey that is by no means filled with cotton candy and unicorns. It is fueled 100% by love, but I am learning that it is very HARD...every day...and this blog is my therapy I I have time to go to a real shrink! If your tender ears are offended by my occasional rant or a few Bible curse words here and there...this probably isn't the blog for you.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Things that make my husband nervous...

Me reading blogs about fellow adoptive moms that have 5+ reading blogs about sweet Southern girls that followed Gods call on their lives and headed to Uganda to take care of the children in a very real, scary non-glamorous way...and are happy as can be.

And I quote:  "You aren't going to go nuts on me or anything ???  He knows how I am ...especially the "me" before we met...I would jump on a plane to most reservations necessary...drawn to 3rd world countries.  I am not scared of much...even when I really should be. 

I think he is scared to death that I am going to walk in and announce that God has called "US" to cash in all his retirement and investments, sell the houses, quit our jobs and move to Timbuktu and adopt as many kids as we can get our hands on.

And I am not going to lie...I am totally entertained by the fear in his eyes!  I really shouldn't toy with him...he is amazing, he is very supportive of our adoption of Luci, he has a huge heart...but we are definitely two very different people and but the differences bring balance.

So since none of us are hopping on a plane to a far away place and putting our spouses in cardiac on my button the the lower right...Compass In My Heart...and help out a bunch of kids that need some fresh water and de-worming medicine. Really...just send them 20-30 bucks and plant some damn good seeds!  Those of you with Home Shopping Network addictions...and you know who you are...just lay off for a week and send the bucks to Christie.  She is a beautiful girl from Alabama that followed God where he led her and found her way a village in Uganda caring for the needy. Thanks that's all.  Gods hands...Gods a very real way.

So there...I gave you a perfectly wonderful way to plant some very good seeds and change a human being's life in a very real way...and if you aren't out there planting seeds in ways you feel led to...if you brush it off and reason away that you don;t have the time or money...that is all fine, God isn't going around looking for lightening bolt targets...that isn't how he does business...but don't you dare go bitching about crap in your life and sit around waiting on God to just fall out of the sky into your lap and make it all rosy. 

You plant good seeds in others lives...God plants amazing seeds in yours.  Can you follow that math???

There are lots of things in this life that are very difficult...planting good seeds IS NOT ONE OF THEM!  It is the easiest thing you can possibly do.

Ok I am done.

On the Newton homefront...we have sent in the very last piece of notarized paper that we need to for Luci's adoption. Thank you Jesus! Not the real wait tired as I am of least it keeps you occupied.  Now we wait...and nothing to "work on" that will bring her to us any faster.

Mind you - we have a 16 month old that keeps us plenty busy,so between him and work we aren't bored or anything.  But it is just hard to look at that beautiful smile on Luci's face and not be able to see her and hug her and have her here with us.

God's timing...I know, I know.

Good night all! Click on Christi's button....give those kids some water dammit!

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