Cafe W

Ships are safe in the harbor...but that is not what ships are made for.


Don't let the daisy's fool ya! I am not running for office, nor do I teach a Sunday school class. We started this blog to document our family's adoption journey...a journey that is by no means filled with cotton candy and unicorns. It is fueled 100% by love, but I am learning that it is very HARD...every day...and this blog is my therapy I I have time to go to a real shrink! If your tender ears are offended by my occasional rant or a few Bible curse words here and there...this probably isn't the blog for you.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Cabin Fever!

Well, we are into day 3 of the big freeze here in Atlanta. It was very pretty Sunday night and Monday morning....but it is Tuesday noght and school has been cancelled AGAIN...which means our day care is closed...which means me, my husband and my son have another day of Quality Time together.  Precious time together is wonderful....however it is best enjoyed when you have the ability to go to a park, take a walk, hit a playground, a few hours at Kangazoom, visit friends...we are seriously about to lose it.  We have a small wasn't made for the 3+ day lockdown.

It would even be fun if we could go play in the snow but a 15 month old only lasts about 5 min out there and we don't really have useable snow...more like snow trapped in a one inch ice shell.

We did have a brief few hours today when it got up to 34 degrees so my husband finally  cracked and made a break for it.  He saw a few cars driving out of our street and decided he would join the brave but few.
I told him to just go up to the Race Trac and see if he could get some milk for Mac and some junk food for us.
Being that he is of the male species I should have known that a wimpy goal like that would not do.  This soldier was going to war and returning with the bounty...AND HE DID!

He made it all the way up to Kroger and did the best grocery shopping ever!  Pizza, fish sticks, BBQ Pork, tater tots, DIET COKE (because he loves me), cookies, chips and salsa...oh yeah and the milk for the baby.

We might actually survive now! We will probably be 5 pounds heavier and on the edge of a heart attack but we will be happy and we won;t kill each other for the remainder of sentence...I mean Quality Time together.

One real pain in the ass feature of thie freeze out is that Brian and I had to get out TB test done for the adoption last Friday...and for a TB test you have to go back in 48ish hours and have them confirm that there was no bad reaction...well 48ish hours was around Monday morning.  Pretty sure we are going to have to do that oneover again...great - yet another annoying delay in this process.  I think I am just going to take a picture of Brian and my wrist and email it to the Doc and see if he will save us the trouble.  Worth a shot I guess...what else do I have to do with all this free time!

Well I have a glass of wine waiting for me and I have a small window od time to enjoy it...because I am not niave.  See...Ashton Kucher will be jumping out here any moment.  I am positive that I am being punked.  My child sat in my lap about 8:15 and pointed to his bottle, no rocking, just kept pointing...I thought I must be imagining things but why not humor myself.  This is the same child that spent the weekend at his grandparents house and rocked it out until almost midnight both nights!  Maybe he is hiding goldfish in his crib...their has to be a catch!

I got up, walked in his room, laid him down, turned on his little night time aquarium, covered him up and he snuggled his little self up, pushed the button on his music thingy and I walked out.

And like I said...either I am really asleep right now and this is all a dream or Ashton Kucher will be making an appearance any minute now...I need to put on my cute pj's.

Sweet dreams...

1 comment:

  1. Hi!
    First, congratulations on your daughter! Are smiling pictures just the greatest or what?! Our LL is turning four next month, so our girls are close in age.
    Good for you for being at I800A step. You're close close close! And you have a chance of making pretty close predictions from here on out.
    Look forward to following you all the way to hug her.
    Yes, we're up on the lake, but I miss the city ;) I loved the snow week. For you, it seems that this weekend will be Spring Time.
    If you know the mom who I think you know, she can pass along my email.
    Thanks so much for visiting!
