Cafe W

Ships are safe in the harbor...but that is not what ships are made for.


Don't let the daisy's fool ya! I am not running for office, nor do I teach a Sunday school class. We started this blog to document our family's adoption journey...a journey that is by no means filled with cotton candy and unicorns. It is fueled 100% by love, but I am learning that it is very HARD...every day...and this blog is my therapy I I have time to go to a real shrink! If your tender ears are offended by my occasional rant or a few Bible curse words here and there...this probably isn't the blog for you.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Apparently...this is a big day!

We got our I-797 in the mail Saturday and sent it to our agency this morning.  This form is our government giving us their official OK to adopt a foreign born orphan.  We passed!  Even with Brian's less than stellar diapering skills - they deem us OK to be Luci's parents.

So, this is about the end of paperwork for us...the rest is the US Govt and China and our Agency mailing things back and fourth to each other...and we just wait....

Have a great week!


  1. Ahhhhh! A small sigh of relief. Just a little more waiting now. Hugs to you all!
    The Herpins

  2. WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!! Now get that dossier to China girlfriend!!
