Cafe W

Ships are safe in the harbor...but that is not what ships are made for.


Don't let the daisy's fool ya! I am not running for office, nor do I teach a Sunday school class. We started this blog to document our family's adoption journey...a journey that is by no means filled with cotton candy and unicorns. It is fueled 100% by love, but I am learning that it is very HARD...every day...and this blog is my therapy I I have time to go to a real shrink! If your tender ears are offended by my occasional rant or a few Bible curse words here and there...this probably isn't the blog for you.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011



Yep!  It is official - China has our stuff!  We sent our dossier to China on 4/18/2011 and I just got an email from our agency that tey received notification that China logged our dossier into their system on 4/29/2011.

Another milestone reached - a little closer to LuciQ!

So this date tells us that we are now 20 days into our wait for LOA...China officially approving us to specifically adopt LuciQ.  Loa can take anywhere from 45days+...likely around 60 days.  I know I am supposed to put a nice little timeline up on the side of my blog...not sure when-if that will happen!

1 comment:

  1. oooooo already 20 days into the wait! That is fantastic! SO, soooo excited for you!! Your momma's coming sweet baby!
